Young Indiana Hero Award

Each year the Indiana Association of Student Councils will honor those Young Indiana Heroes who exhibit exceptional strength of character, mind, and body in an emergency situation or in everyday life. The IASC will honor the Young Indiana Heroes at State Convention each spring.


he-ro [heer-oh] - noun; plural heroes;

- a person of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his/her brave deeds and noble qualities.

- a person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal.

He was a local hero when he saved the drowning child.


The nominee must be no older than 20 years of age.

The nominee must be a "hero" in the eyes of the nominator.


The nominator must be affiliated with an IASC member school.

The nomination must include a short narrative of why the nominee has been selected.

The nomination will include documentation of the occurrence for verification. This may include newspaper clippings, official papers, or signed verification by a proper authority.

The completed nomination form and documentation must be submitted on or before January 31st of each year.